Military Service Pensions Collection



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File Reference MSP34REF28813
Name Margaret Guiney
Gender female
Address detail
Street Bridge House, Knockaclarig, Rockchapel
County Cork
Country Ireland
Address detail
Street Guiney's Bridge, Rockchapel
County Cork
Country Ireland
Notes Date of birth not recorded on file
Notes Date of death not recorded on file
Associated files in MSPA 34SP29119
Easter rising service No
Organisation None
Pension Claim Yes
Award Pension No
Army Pensions Act 1923/1953 No
Military Service Pensions Acts 1924 No
Military Service Pensions Acts 1934 No
Military Service Pensions Acts 1949 No
Digital file Scanned/digital copyMSP34REF28813 Margaret Guiney.pdf
Scanned/digital copy34SP29119 Margaret Guiney.pdf
File dates 12 September 1934 - 06 May 1941
Subject Information File relates to Margaret Guinan’s unsuccessful application for a military service pension under the Military Service Pensions Act, 1934. Applicant claimed membership of Cumann na mBan in the service periods between 01 April 1921 and 30 September 1923 during the War of Independence, Truce period and Civil War. Margaret Guinan (Maggie Guiney) states that she was attached to E Company (Rockchapel), 2 Battalion, 4 Cork Brigade, Cumann na mBan under the command of Joe Curtin, Julia Riordan and Mrs McLaughlin. During the War of Independence (January 1919 – July 1921), the applicant claims that she took part in fundraising; scout work; dispatch work and first-aid training. Taking the anti Treaty side in the Civil War, Margaret Guinan states that she did dispatch work and catering and washing work for IRA men on the run. From 01 February 1923 to 15 August 1923, the subject claims that she fed, washed and gave cigarettes to three IRA men living in a dugout near her home. File contains copy of Cumann na mBan official newspaper dated Bealtaine 1922 (May 1922) Volume 1, No. 3. Applicant did not provide any references and did not appear before the Advisory Committee.