Military Service Pensions Collection



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File Reference MSP34REF50
Name Edward Moane
Gender male
Maiden/Other names Ned Moane
Address detail
Street Carrabawn, Westport
County Mayo
Country Ireland
Address detail
Street Cherrywood Road, Loughlinstown
County Dublin
Country Ireland
Notes Date of birth not recorded on file
Date of death 1973-07-09
Associated files in MSPA 34B1;
Related files No. 896 - Bureau of Military History (BMH) Witness Statement (WS)
MSP34REF29926 Tessie Ó Briain, subject's sister
Easter rising service No
Organisation Irish Volunteers
Rank Unknown
Unit Westport Battalion; Louisburgh Battalion
Brigade Mayo Brigade
Commanding Officer(s) Joseph MacBride;
Organisation Irish Republican Army
Rank Unknown
Unit Westport Battalion; Louisburgh Battalion;
Brigade Mayo Brigade
Commanding Officer(s) Joseph MacBride;
Organisation Irish Republican Army
Rank Brigade Vice Officer Commanding
Brigade West Mayo Brigade
Commanding Officer(s) Michael Kilroy;
Organisation Irish Republican Army
Rank Unknown
Unit Active Service Unit
Brigade West Mayo Brigade
Commanding Officer(s) Michael Kilroy;
Organisation Irish Republican Army
Rank Brigade Officer Commanding
Division 4 Western Division
Brigade West Mayo Brigade
Commanding Officer(s) Michael Kilroy; P. J. McDonnell;
Pension Claim Yes
Award Pension Yes
Army Pensions Act 1923/1953 No
Military Service Pensions Acts 1924 No
Military Service Pensions Acts 1934 Yes
Grade B
Notes Awarded 9 years service for pension purposes in 1935
Military Service Pensions Acts 1949 No
Digital file Scanned/digital copyWMSP34REF50EDWARDMOANE.pdf
Scanned/digital copyW34B1EDWARDMOANE.pdf
File dates 1 October 1934 - 18 January 1977
Subject Information File relates to Edward Moane's receipt of a military service pension in respect of his service with the Irish Volunteers and IRA in the service periods between 1 April 1917 and 30 September 1923 during the War of Independence, Truce period and Civil War. Applicant also claimed unsuccessfully for service in the periods between 1 April 1916 and 31 March 1917. A member of the Irish Volunteers from 1914 Edward Moane mobilised during Easter Week but had no active service during the 1916 Easter Rising. In early 1917 he was imprisoned for two months in Sligo Prison and spent three further months in prison in Sligo, Belfast and Dundalk in late 1917 and early 1918 for illegal drilling. He was again arrested in May 1918 and interned at Usk and Gloucester - date of release not on file. Following the reorganisation of the IRA in Mayo in late 1920 Edward Moane became Vice Brigade Officer Commanding, West Mayo Brigade. During the War of Independence he served with the Brigade Active Service Unit(s) and took part in attacks against British forces in County Mayo at Kilmeena, Skirdagh and Carrowkennedy in 1921. During the Truce period Moane took part in a number of IRA training camps and became Brigade Officer Commanding following the formation of 4 Western Division. During the Civil War Edward Moane continued to serve with the anti-Treaty IRA forces as a Brigade Officer Commanding and states that he took part in action / attacks against the National Forces at Castlebar, Westport and Newport. Edward Moane evaded arrest/capture but states that he remained on the run until November 1925. [Archivist's Note: Edward Moane, also known as Éamonn and Eadhmon later became a TD] File includes: material submitted and signed by Edward Moane in support of his service pension application; partial typed transcript (2 of 3 pages) of statement made by Edward Moane on 8 January 1935 before the Advisory Committee, Military Service Pensions Act, 1934; signed handwritten statements regarding subject's service from Michael Kilroy and Joseph MacBride; original signed typed and copy typed correspondence (28 September 1938 - 17 February 1939) between the Secretary, Irish Land Commission and the Secretary, Military Service Pensions Board relating to Edward Moane's applications for a military service pension and for land from the Land Commission; reference to Edward Moane's position as an elected member of Dáil Éireann; and material relating to Edward Moane's widow and surviving children - partly closed.