Military Service Pensions Collection



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File Reference MSP34REF3242
Name Andrew Harney
Gender male
Maiden/Other names Harvey
Address detail
Street Chapel Street, Louisburgh,
County Mayo
Country Ireland
Address detail
Street The Square, Louisburg,
County Mayo
Country Ireland
Notes Not on file.
Date of death 1985-07-05
Associated files in MSPA 34SP3726; 1P42
Related files MSP34REF2083 (James Harney, brother)
Easter rising service No
Organisation Irish Republican Army
Rank Battalion Vice Commandant
Unit 4 Battalion
Brigade West Mayo Brigade
Commanding Officer(s) Patrick Kelly
Pension Claim Yes
Award Pension Yes
Army Pensions Act 1923/1953 Yes
Type of Award WGWound gratuity
Notes Awarded £30 in 1924.
Military Service Pensions Acts 1924 No
Military Service Pensions Acts 1934 No
Military Service Pensions Acts 1949 No
Digital file Scanned/digital copyMSP34REF3242 Andrew Harney.pdf
Scanned/digital copy34SP3726 Andrew Harney.pdf
Scanned/digital copy1P42 Andrew Harney.pdf
File dates 15 November 1923 - 17 October 2000
Subject Information The file relates to Andrew Harney's unsuccessful claim for a Military Service Pension in respect of his service with the Irish Volunteers and the IRA in the services periods between 1 April 1917 and 30 September 1923. The file also relates to Andrew Harney's receipt of a wound gratuity. The applicant claims to been engaged in routine activieis such as drilling, organising etc.; claims to have raided for arms; claims to have done outpost duty; claims to have been arrested by "Black and Tans" (RIC) on 4 July 1921, interned in Westport, Galway and [Carnarvon], released January 1922; claims to have been involved in intelligence and transport work. The applicant also claims to have accidentally been shot in the abdomen, by a revolver (23 or 27 March 1921). The file contains a handwritten application form (Military Service Pensions Act, 1934); handwritten reference letters from Thomas Harney, P. Kelly, Austin McDonald and E. Moane; three page transcript of sworn statement made by Andrew Harney before the advisory committee on 28 May 1937; handwritten notes by a Messr Moane concerning the applicant's service history; handwritten petition form (Military Service Pensions Act, 1949); handwritten application for Service (1917-1921) Medal; handwritten application form for a wound gratuity under the Army Pensions Act, 1923; typed copy of application form for a wound gratuity under the Army Pensions Act, 1923; medical report on Andrew Harney; material relating to surviving family closed.