Military Service Pensions Collection



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File Reference MSP34REF11690
Name Julia Walshe
Gender female
Maiden/Other names Walsh
Address detail
Street Loona, Belcarra, Castlebar
County Mayo
Country Ireland
Address detail
Street Loona Road, Lisnolan Manula, Castlebar
County Mayo
Country Ireland
Date of birth 1896-02-25
Notes Date of birth also given as 2 February 1896
Date of death 1977-12-06
Associated files in MSPA 34E5949; DP4745; 1RB2867
Civilian occupation Farmer's daughter;
Easter rising service No
Organisation Cumann na mBan
Rank Member
Company Headford Branch
Brigade North Galway Brigade
Commanding Officer(s) Louis Darcy; M.L. Joyce; Patrick Glynn; Cornelius Fogarty
Pension Claim Yes
Award Pension Yes
Army Pensions Act 1923/1953 Yes
Type of Award SPASpecial Allowance (DP file)
Military Service Pensions Acts 1924 No
Military Service Pensions Acts 1934 Yes
Grade E
Notes Awarded 3 and 17/36 years for pension purposes in 1942
Military Service Pensions Acts 1949 No
Digital file Scanned/digital copyMSP34REF11690 Julia Walshe.pdf
Scanned/digital copy34E5949 Julia Walshe.pdf
Scanned/digital copyDP4745 Julia Walshe.pdf
Scanned/digital copy1RB2867 Julia Walshe.pdf
File dates 18 July 1933 - 3 March 1978
Subject Information File relates to Julia Walshe’s receipt of a military service pension in respect of her service with Cumann na mBan in the service periods between 1 April 1920 and 30 September 1923, during the War of Independence, Truce period and Civil War. Walshe also claimed unsuccessfully for the period between 1 April 1919 and 31 March 1920. Walshe states that during the War of Independence she carried out the usual Cumann na mBan activities such as attending parades, meetings and collecting funds. She also says she regularly carried dispatches for Louis Darcy, Baby [Thomas] Duggan, Concannon, Corcoran and O’Dea and that the Column [Active Service Unit] often stayed at her house. The subject says she received information from Miss McDonagh and Miss Carroll, who were friendly with the police [RIC]. Walshe claims that an a Volunteer [IRA] named Walsh was shot in front of her by ‘Tans’ [RIC] in 1921 and that she rushed to his aid and stayed with him as he died. Walshe claims to have purchased guns and ammunition. The subject carried out the usual activities in the Truce period, such as supplying food to camps (no details given). Walshe states that she continued activities during the Civil War including carrying dispatches, scouting for Columns [Active Service Units] and reporting military movements. She says that she was arrested at the end of April 1923 and imprisoned at Galway and Kilmainham [Dublin] until 02 October 1923. Walshe claims to have been on hunger strike for nine days while in Kilmainham Jail (no dates given). File contains material relating to Julia Walshe’s application for a Military Services Pension including; handwritten references from Thomas Maguire (29 March 1935), L. O’Dea (19 July 1939), Senator Helena Concannon (19 January 1940) and Vincent Corcoran (23 January 1940); handwritten post-card from M.M. Pearse [Padraig Pearse’s sister] (2 February 1940); typed transcript of sworn statement by Julia Walshe to Advisory Committee (Military Service Pensions Act, 1934) on 3 February 1940; Advisory Committee notes for discussion with Joyce and Corcoran (4 June 1941); representations on behalf of Walshe from R. Walsh TD (15 July 1941) and M. Moran TD (12 March 1952). Material relating to closure of Walshe’s pension account on her death. File also contains material regarding Julia Walshe’s successful application for a Special Allowance [disability pension] under the Army Pensions Act 1932, including medical report (30 June 1952), representations on behalf of Walshe from M. Moran TD (30 November 1953-30 January 1954) and administrative records. Some material closed for Data Protection reasons. File 1RB2867 includes reference from M Fogarty (Con Fogarty) (1937)