Military Service Pensions Collection



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File Reference MSP34REF839
Name Michael Kilroy
Gender male
Address detail
Street Newport
County Mayo
Country Ireland
Notes Date of birth not recorded on file
Date of death 1962-12-23
Associated files in MSPA 34A3;
Related files 2D330 Michael Joseph Walsh; 2D331 Joseph Ruddy; 2D162 Austin Woods; all killed in the same incident that led to Michael Kilroy's capture in November 1922
MSP34REF48449 - Tillie McDonnell, subject's sister
MSP34REF35964 (Annie Kilroy, wife)
No. 1,162 - Bureau of Military History (BMH) Witness Statement (WS)
Civilian occupation Coach Builder;
Easter rising service No
Organisation Irish Volunteers
Rank Brigade Quartermaster
Brigade Mayo Brigade
Commanding Officer(s) Joseph McBride;
Organisation Irish Republican Army
Rank Brigade Quartermaster
Brigade Mayo Brigade
Commanding Officer(s) Joseph McBride; T. Derrig;
Organisation Irish Republican Army
Rank Officer Commanding
Unit Active Service Unit
Brigade West Mayo Brigade
Organisation Irish Republican Army
Rank Brigade Officer Commanding
Brigade West Mayo Brigade
Organisation Irish Republican Army
Rank Divisional Officer Commanding
Division 4 Western Division
Pension Claim Yes
Award Pension Yes
Army Pensions Act 1923/1953 No
Military Service Pensions Acts 1924 No
Military Service Pensions Acts 1934 Yes
Grade A
Notes Awarded 9 years service for pension purposes in 1934
Military Service Pensions Acts 1949 No
Digital file Scanned/digital copyWMSP34REF839MichaelKilroy.pdf
Scanned/digital copyW34A3MichaelKilroy.pdf
File dates 15 January 1934 - 29 November 1977
Subject Information File relates to Michael Kilroy's receipt of a military service pension in respect of his service with the Irish Volunteers and IRA between 1 April 1917 and 30 September 1923. Applicant also claimed unsuccessfully for service in the periods between 1 April 1916 and 31 March 1917. Michael Kilroy claims membership of the Irish Volunteers from 1913 and involvement in Irish nationalist movements for many years prior to that. During Easter Week 1916 Michael Kilroy mobilised members of the Newport Company, Irish Volunteers and oversaw the manufacture of an armoured car with a view to travelling to Dublin to take part in the fighting there. News of the surrender and the end of the fighting in Dublin prevented this taking place. Michael Kilroy did not receive recognition for pension purposes for this activity. From 1917 onwards Kilroy assisted in the reorganisation of the Irish Volunteers in County Mayo, took part in arms raids and served as Brigade Quartermaster. In [late 1920] Michael Kilroy became both an IRA brigade officer commanding as well as officer commanding of the Brigade Active Service Unit (Flying Column). During the War of Independence in 1921 Kilroy claims to have taken part in and/or organised in attacks on British forces in County Mayo at Westport, Carrowkennedy, Newport, Kilmeena, Skirdagh, Islandeady, Carnacloy and Glanisland - exact dates not on file. In November 1921, during the Truce period, Michael Kilroy was appointed Officer Commanding of the 4 Western Division IRA. Following the outbreak of the Civil War on 28 June 1922 Kilroy claims to have taken part in fighting by anti-Treaty IRA forces against National Forces at Tubbercurry, County Sligo, Ballina, Glenamoy, Newport, Islandeady, Castlebar (County Mayo) and Clifden, County Galway - exact dates not on file. Claims that he was a member of the IRA Executive [Council]. He was captured by National Forces on 24 November 1922, was Officer Commanding of Republican prisoners in Mountjoy Prison and escapd custody on 11 May 1924. File includes: typed transcript (3 pages) of sworn statement made by Michael Kilroy on 19 January 1935 before the Advisory Committee, Military Service Pensions Act, 1934; reference to subject's position as an elected member of Dáil Éireann; reference to claimant's receipt of a Service (1917-1921) Medal with Bar; and material relating to Michael Kilroy's widow.