Military Service Pensions Collection



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File Reference MSP34REF3569
Name Thomas J McLoughlin
Gender male
Address detail
Street Bohea, Liscarney, Westport
County Mayo
Country Ireland
Date of birth 1885-08-15
Date of death 1971-05-03
Associated files in MSPA 34SP4005; DP30753
Easter rising service No
Organisation Irish Republican Army
Rank Unknown
Unit 3 Battalion
Company B Company
Brigade West Mayo Brigade
Pension Claim Yes
Award Pension Yes
Army Pensions Act 1923/1953 Yes
Type of Award SPASpecial Allowance (DP file)
Military Service Pensions Acts 1924 No
Military Service Pensions Acts 1934 No
Military Service Pensions Acts 1949 No
Digital file Scanned/digital copyMSP34REF3569 Thomas McLoughlin.pdf
Scanned/digital copy34SP4005 Thomas McLoughlin.pdf
Scanned/digital copyDP30753 Thomas McLoughlin.pdf
File dates 1934- 30 June 1970
Subject Information Files relate to the unsuccessful service pension application submitted by Thomas J McLoughlin in February 1935 in respect of his service with the Irish Republican Army between 1917 and July 1922, first as a member and later as Captain of B Company (Owenwee), 3 Battalion, West Mayo Brigade. He appears to have helped the local Active Service Unit too from November 1920 and claims the rank of Company Captain during the War of Independence (from April 1920 to the Truce). Applicant joined the Irish Volunteers in 1917, he succeeded his brother John as Company Captain in April 1920 when the latter was sent to Westport and put on transport work. McLoughlin had an arms dump in his own home and one of his main activities was in relation to arms (cleaning, storing, moving and raids). He also participated in blocking roads, destroying bridges and taking care of the men serving on the ASU ('Kilroy's column'). After the Truce, he was put in charge of police duty in his district (under James Kearns) and did some intelligence work. No actual engagement with the Free State forces and was not 'on the run'. File contains application form, handwritten letters from applicant supplemented with statements of activities, typed summary of sworn evidence given before interviewing officers on 18 December 1940, a reference from Edward Moane (late OC West Mayo Brigade), material relating to the application for and issue of a Service (1917-1921) Medal without bar (April 1950) - deemed duly awarded. Following an initial rejection, McLoughlin lodged a petition under the MSP Act 1949 but did not submit new evidence and the decision remained unchanged. File (DP30753) relates to McLoughlin's application for a Special Allowance under the Army Pensions Acts. File contains: means assessment; social welfare reports; material relating to payment of balance of allowance to son.