Military Service Pensions Collection



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Reference DOD/2/15983 (A/7627)
Title Prisoners, Irregulars, Erskine Childers 
Date 1922-1962
Scope and Content File includes: hand written letter dated 16 November 1922 from Mrs C. Davidson-Houston, Hope Cottage, Chailey Clump, Chailet, Sussex, [England] addressed to "Dear Sir" and requesting " ...a short interview on a very important matter. I have come over especially from England."; handwritten letter dated 16 November 1922 from Mrs C. Davidson-Houston, Standard Hotel, Harcourt Street, addressed to "Dear Sir" and requesting permission for the writer to see her brother, Erskine Childers and to attend his trial; typed initialled report dated 17 November 1922 regarding efforts by Mrs Houston to visit [Erskine Childers] and see the "Commander in Chief" and her query as to when [Childers'] trial was to take place and stating that the writer had advised Mrs Houston to get in touch with the Adjutant General's Department and that he had advised that department to expect a phone message; typed copy letters dated 18 November 1922 from Portobello Barracks addressed to Adjutant General and Rev. Fr. Albert O.S.F.C., Franciscan Capuchin Priory, Church Street, Dublin, regarding parcel sent by Fr. Albert for Erskine Childers, making arrangements for the parcels delivery and stating that enquiries were being made regarding an unspecified incident said to have occured at Portobello Gate; handwritten telegraph dated 19 November 1922 from Basil Williams, lately Treasurer, Peace Ireland Council, Montreal, to Commander in Chief Mulcahy requesting mercy "If Childers sentenced to death ... for dear...noble thoughtful misguided patriot"; handwritten telegraph dated 20 November 1922 from "Carmichael Secretary" addressed to "Mulcahy, Dublin, Ireland" writing on behalf of delegates to the annual convention of Armerican Association Recognition Irish Republic for state of California to state that the latter "...would look upon the killing of Erskine Childers or any other Republican prisoner of war as murder and hold your Free State junta responsible"; handwritten letter dated 20 November 1922 from Edward A. Waller, Dean of Kildare, addressed to "Dear Sir" requesting permission to visit Mr. E. Childers; typed copy unsigned memorandum dated 20 November 1922 entitled "Childers" regarding request from Edward A. Waller, Dean of Kildare to visit Mr. E. Childers; handwritten telegraph dated 25 November 1922 from M. Durand, Provincial Secretary, Self Determination Ireland League, Halifax addressed to Richard Mulcahy, Minister Defence, Dublin stating "History seldom records ingratitude so black as Ireland showed in killing Childers"; original signed typed and handwritten and copy typed letters and correspondence (23 November - 27 November 1922) involving M. MacDonnchadha, Gniomh-Runai don Rialtas, Irish Provisional Government, Thomas Johnson, Cathal O'Shannon, William O'Brien and Thomas O'Connell (of the Irish Labour Party & Trade Union Congress), Gearoid O'Sullivan, Adjutant General, General Richard Mulcahy, Commander in Chief, Oglaigh Na h-Eireann, and L. T. MacCosgair, President, Irish Provisional Government, regarding the execution of four men including Erskine Childers, whether any preferential treatment had been accorded to Erskine Childers relative to the other three with regard to privileges offered in connection with their respective trials or with providing notice to relatives and friends of the trials occuring, the recommendation from the representatives of the Irish Labour Party that such trials take place in public and/or in the presence of the press, and that distinction be made between the possession of arms and ammunition for the purpose of taking part in an ambush or attack and possession of same for self defence when an individual is arrested for possession of firearms; original signed typed and copy typed letters and correspondence (1 December 1922 - 19 January 1923) involving Messrs Burch & Co., 6 Bolton Street, Piccadilly, London, W.1. [England], staff officers in the Office of the Commander in Chief, Aodh Ua Cinnéide (Hugh Kennedy), Dli-Oifigeach, Law Officer's Department, Irish Provisional Government, Messrs Frere Cholmeley & Co., 28 Lincoln's Inn Fields, London, W. C.2, Messrs Barrington & Son, 10 Ely Place, Dublin, staff officers in the Office of the Adjutant General, and officials in the Departments of Defence and Home Affairs, regarding requests for a death certificate in respect of Erskine Childers and the correct procedure to be followed for the creation and provision of a death certificate in this case; original signed and initialled handwritten and typed and copy typed correspondence, memoranda and notes (2 August 1923 - 1 August 1924) involving: staff officers in the Office of the Commander in Chief and Adjutant General, officials of the Department of Defence, Defence Forces Adjutant General, Lieutenant General Gearoid O'Sullivan, and Commandant A. Breen, O/C 3rd Battalion, Special Infantry Corps, regarding unsuccessful efforts to locate and return to the widow of Erskine Childers, personal effects and property of Erskine Childers taken from him at the time of his arrest; original signed typed and copy typed correspondence and letters and related unsigned handwritten material (17 May - 9 June 1922) involving officials of the departments of Defence and Justice, and the Defence Forces Office of the Director, Second Bureau, regarding attempts to locate papers captured during [military] raids on the premises of Mrs Childers at Bushy Park Road on 15 February 1923 and the office of Patrick Ruttledge in Ballina, County Mayo in August 1922.
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