Military Service Pensions Collection



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Reference DOD/3/13070 - PART 1
Title Pensions. Military Service- MSP Act 1949. Administration-General 
Scope and Content File deals with general administration matters relating to the working of the MSP Act, 1949 in correspondence, reports and letters between the Office of the Referee, the Secretary Department of Defence and the Private Secretary to the Minister, for example. Includes copy Submissions to Government, copy Memorandum for Government and planning papers proposing new legislation under the Military Service Pensions Acts and disposal of these proposals. Includes representations received at Government and Office of the Taoiseach level, complaints from individuals, veterans, Associations representing Old IRA veterans and Public Representatives and copy replies issued. Also, statistics as to the number of pensions granted under the (3) Acts and the numbers on pay for Special Allowances and disability pensions at times. Letter from Risteard Mulcahy, Minister for Education to Minister for Defence states that “a considerable volume of complaints was raised about the Verifying Officers in Military Service Pension cases” at the Fine Gael Conference in Tralee, they “…were all nominated, apparently, for Fianna Fail purposes”. He advises that representation can be expected. (/34 dated 9 April 1951) Letters in reply from General Sean MacEoin outline the situation as advised by the Referee and issues on 27 April 1951 (/40). Copy letters and correspondence between the Army Finance Officer, Secretariat Defence and Secretary to the Referee following representations through the Department of the Taoiseach, in Irish language, translation supplied, from the Killaloe Comhairle Ceanntair (County Clare) re “delays” in Pensions yield a reply to the Taoiseach’s Private Secretary and statistics setting out the situation as to the status of the 16,915 Applications and Petitions received under the Act, 1949 as on 31 July 1952 and visits by the Referee and Advisory Committee to County Clare in 1951 and the fact that the Referee “ is now bound by a Court decision to hear all cases personally” (/84, /85 & /88 dated 28 August 1952.). Copy letters, draft letters and correspondence relating to A Memorandum and covering letter from Moses Somers, Honorary General Secretary, Associated Pre-Truce IRA-a copy of which is sent to “every member of Dail Eireann”-, and other representations raised by Somers sees the matters raised in the Memorandum commented on in detail by the Referee and a letter issued from the Private Secretary to the Minister in reply to all matters raised (/121 to /142 dated 19 Feabhra (February) 1953). A request from the Minister for External Affairs, through his Private Secretary, for a “list of men of the 4th Northern Division whose names appear on the 1916 Roll of Honour” and the “Company lists” of the Division leads to an exchange of letters and minutes with the Referee, Army Finance Officer and Secretariat, Defence whereby the Referee reconsiders his initial refusal and the Minister for Defence accedes as the request is “from a member of the Government” ( /149 to /162 dated 8 July 1953). Copy memorandum and covering letter from Moses Somers, Hon Sec General. Associated Pre-Truce IRA outlines “matters of vital importance” that a named delegation of 42 members wish to discuss with the Minister for Defence, Oscar Traynor; following an all Ireland Convention held in Jury’s Hotel on 13 September 1953 (/183 to /186). The observations of the Referee on the Memorandum are set out, by request (190 & /191 dated 13 October 1953). Draft letter in reply to Somers (/190 to /196) is prepared and reply issues, declining the offer to meet a delegation (/198 to /200 dated 23 October 1953). Representations to the Minister for Defence following the attendance of Sean Flanagan, T.D., at a meeting of the Old IRA Officers and Men of South Mayo Brigade at Balla include a short report on the tenor of the meeting and a summary of “principal grievances” raised (/201 &/202 dated 21 October 1953) A draft letter is prepared (/205 to /207 and the Minister's wish that the Referee not see Deputy Flanagan’s letter is appended, a reply issues to Flanagan (/209 & /210 dated 30 October 1953) Copy planning paper: title Military Service Pensions and the Service (1917-1921) Medal (without Bar) is an outline of proposals relating to military service pensions and for the review of awards of Medals, without Bar, and for the investigation of applications on hand. Contents in 4 Parts with 3 Appendices as follows: Part I. Military Service Pensions-General statement of problems etc Part II. Military Service Pensions-Proposed new system of Adjudication. Part III. Military Service Pensions-Principal heads of legislation required. Part IV. The Service (1917-1921) Medal, without Bar-Review of awards and investigation of applications in hands (In light of Special Allowances) Appendix 1. Military Service Pensions Acts-Aide-Memoire on qualifying active service. Appendix 2. Active Service-Extract from statement prepared by the late Referee, Mr MacFirbhisigh in connection with the Dail Debate on the Military Service Pensions Act, 1953 Appendix 3. The Service (1917-1921) Medal without Bar-Note of discussion with Mr. Daly, Attorney General’s Office (15 August 1955) (/ 295 to /322) Copy letter from Minister for Defence (Lt Gen Sean MacEoin) to Minister for Finance (Gerard Sweetman) outlines the Ministers intention to bring his proposals regarding military service pensions and special allowances-already announced publicly [by him] “last Sunday, in a speech at Abbeyfeale” to the Government within a fortnight. (/360 dated 11 Samhain, 1955). Several reminder copy letters, from the Minister and from the Secretary issue to Finance, a minute sheet records that the Minister for Defence “has spoken to the Minister or Finance on the matter” (/ 378 to 383 dated 14 April 1956) File includes copy Form A Submission to the Government, Form B Submission to the Government and copy Memorandum for the Government (/411 to / 416 dated 13 July 1956). Copy of the Memorandum for the Government from the Department of Finance, with covering letter addressed to Mr. O Cearnaigh sets out 10 points in relation to the proposals in the Memorandum earlier submitted by Defence ( /417 to / 420 dated 13 July 1956). Letter from Department of the Taoiseach to the Private Secretary, Minister for Defence advises…this item (amending legislation concerning Military Service Pension) has been withdrawn from the Cabinet Agenda and is to be restored thereto for the first meeting to be held in October,1956 (S.13602E 31 Iuil (July) 1956 (/ 437). Form A. Submission to the Government requests the matter of Military Service Pensions, Medals (without Bar) and Special Allowances be placed on the Agenda for the Meeting of the Government to be held on Tuesday, 4 December 1956. Copy letter from the Private Secretary to the Secretary to the Government (Runai an Rialtais) outlines in detail the situation .Letter from the Secretary to the Government notifies that the Government “ ..authorised the Minister for Defence to have a Bill drafted.. to remove the requirement that a medal should have been awarded on application not later than 12 months after the passing of the Act, 1953 and to provide for…a special allowance shall not be granted unless the claim is substantiated on the merits of the service rendered by the applicant and ..the Minister should further consider the question of the review of the Military Service Pensions Acts…” Includes letter to the Secretary from Private Secretary to the Minister with Memo notated thereon in manuscript recording agreement reached at meeting of Minister, Secretary, Assistant Secretary and Finance Officer as to future action (/452 to /457 dated 12 December 1956). Copy letter from Minister to Referee outlining matters for his opinion contains notation that enclosures consisted of the Appendix (Parts 1 and 11 and Schedule) to the statement attached to the Memorandum for the Government, dated 12 July 1956. (/458 dated 7 December 1956), Letter in reply from the Referee (Mr Justice Eugene Sheehy) offers facts obtained from his experience, agrees and points to deficiencies “in a certain number of cases” and suggests that the Acts be amended to enable the Referee deal favourably with the cases “where justice has not been done”, thus ensuring “no legitimate cause for further complaint” ( /459 to / 461 dated 13 Nollaigh (December) 1956). Copy letter to Minister, from file 3/75446, attaches a statement setting out the steps taken by the Ministers predecessor towards the review of military service pensions and the re-investigation of entitlements to the (Service) Medal, without Bar and includes a recommendation to defer the legislation in regard to the closing date –in respect of the elimination of same or providing a new date-for receipt of applications for Medals and other considerations ( / 476 to / 479 dated [ ] March 1957). Letter from Runai an Rialtais, attached to Form B. Submission to the Government, with Memorandum for the Government on Military Service Pensions, addressed to the Private Secretary, Minister for Defence informs that the subject of Military Service Pensions Acts, 1924 to 1953 has been withdrawn from the Cabinet Agenda. Annotated as passed to Secretary. ( /482 to / 486 dated 17 Bealtaine (May) 1957)
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