Military Service Pensions Collection



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Reference DOD/2/6803
Title Pensions -Military Service. Regulations: No 1. 1926-Paragraph 12, No 1. 1927 Paragraph 12 Procedure 
Scope and Content File contains correspondence and draft letters between the Secretary, Department of Defence and the Army Finance Officer as to procedures and method of complying with the requirement set out in Paragraph 12 of Statutory Rules and Orders 1926. No 37 and ditto of 1927. No 13-appeals to be made within 21 days of the issue of the Board of Assessors report on an applicants claim for a Military Service Pension. A copy of the Statutory Rules and Orders for 1926 and that for 1927 are on file. Draft papers are prepared and subject to comment prior to the printing of Forms MSP 33 and MSP 34- notification to an applicant disallowing time barred/late appeals and requiring further, new evidence of pre-Truce service if appeals are to be effected, respectively. Difficulties caused to applicants through the non notification of the time limit for appeals etc in the media or through publication in Iris Oifighiuil are raised and the Secretary directs that persons who received notification of the Board of Assessors decision before 12 June 1926 can appeal after that date without regard to the requirements of paragraph 12.
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